Data according to § 5 TMG

MG NE Hamburg GmbH
Mergenthalerallee 79-81
D-65760 Eschborn
Trade register: HRB 100798
Registration court: Frankfurt
Represented by: Kurt Bach, Thomas Turban



Telefon: +49 (0) 6196-964-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 6196-964-301


VAT identification number according to §27 Value Added Tax Act: DE 297512859
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Limitation of liability

This website may contain links to third party websites (“external links”). These websites are then subject to the liability of the respective operators. When the external links were first created, the provider checked the external content for any legal violations. At that time, no legal violations were apparent. The provider has no influence on the current and future design and content of the linked sites. The inclusion of external links does not mean that the provider adopts the content behind the reference or link as his own. The provider cannot reasonably be expected to constantly monitor these external links without concrete evidence of legal violations. However, if legal violations become known, such external links will be deleted immediately.

Concept, design and programming
PRO Datenverarbeitung GmbH

Picture credits
Images used under license from
Names of the artists: Pepe Baeza, Phonlamai Photo, Jamesteohart, Gerhard Roethlinger, pisaphotography

Pictures from other sources:
team situs GmbH